If you have had success finding or selling a BMW M Coupe and would like to leave a small finders or sellers fee, of course we'll accept it, but do not feel in any way obligated. We love what we do!
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Jon Martin Fort Collins, CO
Selling my 2000 Bmw m coupe in cosmos over imola interior with 89k miles. Cooling system complete overhaul done as preventive maintenance within last 1k miles. Rear view mirror leak repair done with 5 year warranty. New zhp oem shift knob installed. Owned by Bmwcca member and bmw enthusiast. Will trade for an oxford green m coupe. Open to partial trades for clean rust free manual transmission fj60 Toyota land cruisers plus cash on your end. Also will consider air cooled Porsche 911s in targa or coupe. 3.2 carrera
Private Culver City, CA
Listings removed; looks like it sold
The color combo is great and it looks to be in nice condition for the mileage too. I don't love the chrome roadstars, but everything else looks good and the recent maintenance is good. The price seems alright.
Click an image to enlarge:
Los Angeles, CA - $32,368.00 90,000 miles
Orange, CA - $35,000.00 109,000 miles
Calgary, AB - $65,350.00 25,000 miles
Wallingford, CT - $27,900.00 171,000 miles
Keller, TX - $15,250.00 117,400 miles