If you have had success finding or selling a BMW M Coupe and would like to leave a small finders or sellers fee, of course we'll accept it, but do not feel in any way obligated. We love what we do!


SOLD on or around June 29, 2011

156,949 miles

Sale Price Unknown
2000 BMW M Coupe in Imola Red 2 over Dark Beige Oregon
  • Exterior Color Imola Red 2
  • Interior Color Dark Beige Oregon
  • Engine S52

Seller Description

2000 BMW M Coupe, Imola Red over Dark Beige Oregon. 156,949 miles. Average selling price for these is currently around $22k.

Send an email to get directions to come look at it. You know you want to. Selling it because sometimes shit happens. Reply with "I have arms, legs, and am not a robot" in the subject so that I know you are not a spam bot, or some crazy Nigerian scam artist out phishing. Thanks!

Previous Listing
2000 BMW M Coupe. 156,XXX Miles. It does have some noticeable wear and tear, but I am the 6th owner and none of the problems are from people who thought they knew better than the engineers, so if you are looking for an M Coupe, you already know what you're looking at. No rear sub-frame tearing. If you're looking for a similar performing sports car, prepare yourself to pay $65,000. Asking $20,000 OBO. To get directions to look, call Noeland.


Denver, CO

My Ratings


My Comments

6/29/11 Update - This coupe apparently made its way down from Bremerton, WA then was repossed this June and is now for sale at a dealership in IL.

4/4/11 Update - Relisted on Craigslist for $18,000 down from $20,000. It actually has dark beige interior which is one of just 22 making it pretty rare.

Wow, another Colorado M Coupe! From the price I imagine this one will be around for a while. Most S52 coupes that sell for over $20k have 1/3 the mileage and are immaculate. This one is significantly overpriced for it's 6 owners, really high mileage, and condition. No mention of the interior color for I would guess either imola red or solid black based on statistics.

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